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An imposing and impressing Administrative block that houses the Director Chamber, Principal's office, Headmistress, office the Account's room, office Executive's room the Reception counter and the Visitor's room. The Academic block houses 22 spacious class room which includes primary and kindergarten section with modern comfortable furniture & green boards and all other state-of-the-art facilities. A beautiful and spacious. Library with 3000 books, an Art and Craft Centre, a Music room with a wide range of Indian and Western instruments, a Multimedia equipped computer section with 35 computers with an internal connected/Wi-Fi Lan Lab, a well equipped Multipurpose Hall. A tree house and beautiful manicured lawns all around.

Sports & Co-Curricular Activities

  • House System: To create an atmosphere of healthy competition and team spirit, most of the school activities are governed by House- System, Inter House Competitions are held regularly under the House-flags.

-----Sr. : Cauveri => Ganga => Godawari => Krishna
-----Jr. : Blue => Green => Red => Yellow

  • Blossoming of Inhibited Talents: we expose the child to hobbies like reading, sketching, singing, dancing, public speaking and gardening and ensure that discipline becomes a second nature of the child. Individual and consistent monitoring of every student enables the teacher to recognize the field in which a particular child can excel. Children with similar interests and inclination are grouped together and then the teachers help them to nurse and cultivate their talents. They are also trained in yoga, martial arts and music by the experts.
  • Educational Tours: The schools plan picnics and educational tours for the students. They are taken to Historical places, Museums, Factories, Research Institutions etc. to give them a firsthand knowledge.
  • Exhibitions: An art & Craft Exhibition and a Science Exhibition are held every year.

Computer Literary Programe

Keeping in mind the latest developments in the field of education, an adequate number of computers have been installed in the school to teach the students from Std.
LKG onwards, various computer languages and operations are a compulsory subject. The school has ultra-modern multimedia computer centres which provide DVD-ROMS, audio-video cassettes and other modern learning gadgets to students for their practical and interactive learning according to stages of information feedback.

Parent Teacher Meet

In order to establish a meaningful relationship between the school and the parents, meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of every month to discuss the progress of each student. It is expected from the parents to collect the Report Card and to discuss the progress of the student on Result Day after every examination (Unit Test/Terminal
/Half Yearly/Annual).

Medical Check-up

Medical check-ups and the vaccination programmes are conducted in the school campus from time to time to look after the general health of the children and make them aware of the importance of sanitation in life.

Insurance for Education

Amartya Sen Policy: The students of our school are being insured in Amartya Sen Shiksha yojna for five years through National Insurance Company. In the case of accidental death of nominee (Parent/Guardian), the candidate will get Rs. 5,000/- to spend over education.

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